In April of 2023 Brian was invited to attend his 4th Star Wars Celebration. This huge international event returned to London for the first time since 2016 and Brian was right in the middle of it all as an official signer and guest right across all four days.
First off appearing in the opening ceremony hosted by Lucasfilm President Kathleen Kennedy as his Solo character Hiring Birren.

Next up was hosting the Creature Cantina Panel on the main stage where Brian and fellow CFX dept members took two volunteers from the audience and gave them first hand knowledge of what goes into building, dressing and performing creatures in the Star Wars saga. You can watch the presentation HERE.

From there is was over to London’s O2 Arena and The Cantina 2 concert. Brian was the stage host for the gig which featured DJ Elliott, Level-Up Leroy, Blues Harvest, Darth Elvis and headliners Ash! During the gig Brian took on Ash bass guitarist Mark Hamilton in a lightsaber duel in the mosh pit! It didn’t go well for the host!

Across the weekend Brian appeared on several panels and joined The Resistance Broadcast for their live podcast special. You can listen HERE.
Brian was also honoured by The Sons of Obi-Wan the Australian Lightsaber academy, who made him an honorary member and presented him with a custom made BB-8 themed lightsaber.